医疗账单 & 健康保险问题

医疗账单 & 健康保险问题

At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we try to make the health insurance and medical billing process as clear as possible. But we realize you may still have questions about the health plans we accept and the services and amounts that appear on your medical bills.



Questions we receive about medical bills range from how to pay to what the statements may include. 了解更多:

有效的2月. 21、2024年,患者与 myUCLAhealth 账户注册为无纸化计费除了那些选择不使用无纸化报表的人, 我们将不再邮寄纸质报表.

如果您对无纸化计费有任何疑问, call our billing office Monday - Friday from 7 am to 7 pm at 310-301-8860. 

是的. We are constantly working to improve your experience with us. Please visit our convenient, secure online bill payment site at my.riyutraining.com 查看和支付你的账单.

For assistance with logging into myUCLAhealth, please contact customer service at 855-364-7052.

To cancel paperless billing and resume receiving paper statements, log into myUCLAhealth and click to the 计费 Summary section.

是的, you can pay your medical bills by phone 7 days a week, 24x7 with no service charge. You will need the guarantor number from your statement and your date of birth.

支付你的 医生的账单 通过电话 310-301-8860 然后按1.

支付你的 医疗费用 通过电话 310-825-8021 然后按1.

  • 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心
  • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心
  • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的雷斯尼克神经精神病院
  • 美国布鲁因大学参考实验室


邮寄你的付款 医生的账单 to:



邮寄你的付款 医院的账单 to:


Make checks payable to The Regent of The University of California

A facility fee is a fee we charge for the use of our clinics and related ancillary services.

A preventive check-up does not cover evaluation or management of acute and chronic conditions (such high blood pressure, 高胆固醇, 肥胖, or diabetes) or brand-new symptoms (like new pain or injury). These fall within the category of follow-up or diagnostic care, 哪些是与预防保健分开收费的. While you can always discuss new symptoms or chronic conditions at your check-up, 您的医疗保险将为此单独收费, 你可能要承担一部分费用.

While most messages sent through MyChart are processed quickly and never billed to insurance, those that take time and skill are a type of virtual care  — and are billed as such.

Providers can answer most myUCLAhealth messages in a few minutes or less, 但有些需要更多的时间和医疗专业知识. 

myUCLAhealth messages that may be billed to your insurance include:

  • A new problem or symptom that needs to be evaluated by a doctor
  • 调整药物
  • 开一种新药
  • 进行慢性病检查
  • 治疗慢性疾病的突发或变化


  • 预约请求
  • 处方补充请求
  • 提示医生建议就诊的信息
  • Message about an issue addressed during a visit in the last seven days
  • Follow-up treatment after a recent operation (within the last 90 days) with exceptions for some surgeries
  • 只需几分钟就能回答的问题
  • 给你的医生一个不需要回应的最新消息


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的医生为他们的服务单独收费. For questions about your physician services statement, call 310-301-8860 (星期一至五:上午七时至下午七时).

如果你不能支付全部余款,我们能理解. 防止你的账户拖欠欠款, speak with a customer service representative to arrange a reasonable payment plan. 你也可以申请我们的 财政援助计划.


  • 医生的服务, 310-301-8860 (星期一至五,上午七时至下午七时)
  • 医院服务, 310-825-8021 (星期一至五上午七时三十分至下午四时)


Questions we receive about health insurance range from what plans we accept to what to do if you don't have coverage. 了解更多:

If you don't have health insurance (or choose not to use it), you can pay for your care directly. (了解更多关于 现金价格 对于选定的打包医疗服务.你也有资格享受我们的优惠 财政援助计划.

People with low or moderate incomes may qualify for Medi-Cal or a subsidized health plan through 覆盖皇冠hga025.

No. We do not offer our own HMO insurance product or any other health plans. 了解更多有关 我们接受健康保险.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心接受多种类型的健康保险. 这些计划包括:

  • Government health insurance programs (Medicare and Medi-Cal)
  • 各种医疗保险优势,HMO, POS和PPO计划

了解更多有关 我们接受健康保险. 您还可以:

  • Check which plans our hospitals and doctors accept by calling the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 referral line at 310-825-2631
  • Speak with your benefits coordinator at work (if applicable)
  • 请查阅您的健康计划的提供者目录

是的. Our hospitals accept government health insurance programs - Medicare and Medi-Cal. 然而,我们的一些医生不这样做. 在安排护理之前,请咨询个别医生.

保险 companies accept virtual care as a legitimate and useful way for people to get medical advice. Health insurance covers many types of virtual care, including:

  • 视频访问
  • 电话探访
  • 医疗建议信息传递(通过myUCLAhealth)
  • 远程病人监护程序

If there’s a cost associated with your myUCLAhealth message, the amount you’ll end up paying varies. 对一些病人来说, 即使一个信息是向保险公司收费的, they don’t have to pay anything because their out-of-pocket costs are covered.

Below are common examples of costs based on insurance type:

  • 医疗保险: 大多数患者无需支付自付费用. 一些病人的费用从 $3 to $6. 享受医疗保险优惠的患者有一个 20美元的费用 (面对面或视频访问的费用).
  • 皇冠hga025医保: 无需自付费用.
  • 私人保险: Some patients have copays comparable to those charged for in-person or video visits (usually $10 or $20). 如适用免赔额,全部费用(通常是75美元)收费.

Contact your insurance provider to learn exactly how much you'll have to pay out-of-pocket for a medical advice message.

We will mail you a statement advising you how much you owe. You should also receive an explanation of benefits (EOB) or a denial notification from your health plan.



拨打皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康咨询热线 310-825-2631.


Like other California hospitals, we send separate bills for hospital services and physician services. (For an explanation of which care falls under which service, see 搞清楚你皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的医药费.)

Since we bill separately, make sure to contact the appropriate service:

  • 医生服务310-301-8860 (星期一至五:上午七时至下午七时)
  • 医院服务 (星期一至五:上午七点半至下午四时):
    • 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心 310-825-8021
    • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心 310-825-8325
    • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的雷斯尼克神经精神病院 310-825-8841


大多数保险计划都包括COVID-19疫苗. People who do not have health insurance or whose insurance plan doesn't cover COVID-19 vaccines have options. Anyone younger than 18 can get no-cost vaccines through the 儿童疫苗计划. 成年人可以通过疾病预防控制中心获得免费疫苗 桥梁接入计划.

有关疫苗的其他问题,请访问 COVID-19疫苗中心.